Travian tips

Before you continue reading you should know that any website hasn’t travian tricks to raise resources, or for buildings that will magically appear, as I've always said strategies are the best. But if we assume travian tricks really exist which ones are they?

How to cheat in travian? Remember that this content has copyright protection, if you mention it on another website link the source.


I Posted it on the Travian Plus Guide, but this itself would be a trick because there’s no any visible link in any game menu from which you can access to it. To access it you just need to have activated Travian Plus First, then type the following into your browser address bar…This hidden link shows you graphically the number of troops at every village at that time, regardless if they are reinforcements from another travian players or not, it is useful to know if a village has stopped troops waiting to attack, or just to count them quickly in a wonder, etc.

Ok first let’s go to the Village Overview and click it.

Then replace what is circled in red into your browser address bar (dorf1.php) with dorf3.php?s=6, as shown in the example below.


If you do not know what I mean with evasion utility, is one of the most valuable travian gold club utilities, The troops leave at the moment of the attack comes in and return 180 seconds afterwards, this means that if you attack someone and he always gets his troops away his village this evasion option could be activated, but there is a way to cheat this utility.

The troops will evade only if NO troops are arriving at home within the next 10 seconds, and we will make use of this “mistake”, we just need to send a fake-reinforcement to the village we want to attack, this reinforcement must arrive between 9 seconds before our attack in order to deactivate this evasion option.

According to the new pushing rules there’s an automatic system that doesn´t allows you to send lots of resources to another villages, but ... can I send resources to anyone evading this automatic system? The only way to do it is as follows; note that we only need to use our merchants smartly.

The player who will receive resources will use his merchants from "A" village, the resource sender will use merchants from "B" Village, and we need a third village to be the intermediary "C".

Now the player who will receive resources (“A”) makes many marketplace offerings just like:

Offering 3000 wood Searching 6000 Clay
Offering 3000 Clay Searching 6000 Wood
Offering 3000 Iron Searching 6000 Wheat
Offering 3000 Wheat Searching 6000 Iron

At this time intermediary “C” accepts all offers at the “buy” section. Once done intermediary “C” will set the same offers:

Offering 3000 wood Searching 6000 Clay
Offering 3000 Clay Searching 6000 Wood
Offering 3000 Iron Searching 6000 Wheat
Offering 3000 Wheat Searching 6000 Iron

And (village “B”) Accept all intermediary offers... What is the result?

The intermediary village does not lose or gain resources. “A” village indirectly receives 3000 of every resource from “B” village. To do this we just need to have lots of merchants.


How many times has happened to us that our troops are returning to our village and a few seconds behind an attack comes in, we do everything as possible but we can’t send our troops away from our village and they’re killed, but we don’t really need to spent lots of important seconds to send our troops away to save them, we just need a link, you can add this link to your bookmarks in order to get it quickly if you need it.

What does this link do?

With just one click this links selects all your troops at your village at that time (except reinforcements), and selects one of our farms in the nearby. Then we just need to click on the “OK” button and then send them to attack you farm in the “raid” mode.

First go to the map and Select one of your closer farms where you wish your troops run away when an attack comes in. Once done, click at “send troops” option, and at your browser address bar will be displayed a URL as shown in the example below.

Now add the following text to that URL: (If you do not quite see all the code try using a different browser like Mozilla or Google Chrome)


And this is the result:

Now copy the whole link or add it to your bookmarks.

Now you have to be sure the link works, just click it and if your every troops are selected and if the set coordinates correspond to your farm chosen previously, then everything’s already.

Travian T4 auctions guide

A guide to Travian 4 auctions telling you very important tips you MUST KNOW!!!

Watch the video !

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